who can write?

I'm a freelance advertising professional specialising in freelance copywriting. I've lived in Mumbai (India) all my life but am a traveller by heart. I love creating unique advertising campaigns backed by strategy that works for the brand. If you are looking for a copywriter or to connect with other advertising professionals in my network ... you know where to find us.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

write. write about what?

It's my first post and i want to start off this blog on a positive note. I've been told that i am very opinionated and i don't necessarily think that's a bad thing. I have opinions. Every one does. That's what's great about being a human being. Ask a group of people "What do you think about this?" and you'll get a thousand different answers.

Likewise, in creative advertising we all have our own perception of what makes a good, bad or terrible ad campaign. It's interesting that one of my colleagues, who happens to be an art director, constantly tells me "Arrey! How can you not love this campaign? I think it rocks." Well, i don't think it rocks.

A very wise Assistant Creative Director once told me about an article she read online. I forget who it was written by. She opened my eyes to a very new perspective about my field. It's not about what you personally think of an ad. It's not about whether it is good or bad or even terrible. Or even about whether YOU like it or you don't. It's about whether that piece or campaign works. Does it appeal to the larger audience? Does it work? Does it meet the client's expectation in terms of turnover or top of mind recall? That is what you need to take into account when looking at creative work. Disconnect from your personal feelings and see if the work is appealing to the TG, is it increasing sales, etc. Unfortunately, this very important fact is lost on sooooooo many.

I can't pretend that I'm not human and say i have never said "I hate that ad" or "I love that campaign". But usually i can back that feeling up with an explanation of 'why' i don't like it. Mostly when i dislike an ad campaign, or a one off release, its because it is offensive or unnecessary or a good idea that's been %&*#ed with a bad execution.

Through this blog, i hope to share with you ad campaigns from all over the world. One's i like, dislike or am indifferent to. Especially, one's that have done their job. One's that have worked. You can feel free to disagree with my viewpoint and I welcome your comments and suggestions. Enjoy!


  1. A good start! and thats my opinion, i don't know what others feel :P

  2. Dave Trott, the guy who wrote the article..

    and good going on the blog. keep it regular. one tends to do it for a couple of weeks, months and then it becomes something to be done 'tomorrow'. tomorrow never arrives. my blog was last updated more than 2 months ago :)

  3. congratulations :) and keep writing.


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